First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration in St. Patrick’s Church has been a much loved and well supported feature of parish life for over 16 years. Its success and continuance would not have been possible save for the faithful dedication of a group of parishioners who gave their unstinting commitment at the last Rota Review. However, personal circumstances have conspired in some instances to make that continued commitment difficult and in others impossible, thus necessitating an earlier than anticipated review so as to ensure that the basic requirement of two persons present is maintained. To this end blank rota sheets are available at the back of the church during 10 a.m. Mass in St. Patrick’s This will give those parishioners who wish to commit for the first time the opportunity of availing of a grace filled period in the presence of Jesus, and to the regulars who wish to renew their commitment either at their current timeslot or at a new more convenient one. Those from other Parishes are welcome also to sign up for an hour or 30 minutes, and please tell those who work in the town that they too might want to avail of this quiet time of prayer. In each case please enter your name in one of the “boxes” that correspond with your chosen time. Remember, if you are committing to an hour fill in both of the half-hour slots that make up your hour.