29th September 2013 Bulletin |
PARISH OF DRUMCREE www.drumcreeparish.com
29th September 2013 Mass Times: Weekday Masses: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church from 8a.m to 6.55 p.m. Devotions 1st & 2nd Sunday -October - June Confessions: Baptisms: Marriage: Phone Numbers:
Ministers of The Eucharist - October Ministry of The Word - October Eucharistic Adoration - on Thursdays from 8 a.m. - 6.55 p.m. in St. John the Baptist Church SHYNE resumes Sunday 6th October at the Pastoral Centre 7 - 9pm. Newcomers welcome - Year 11 onwards. Permanent Dioconate: Martin Barlow, our Parishioner, will be ordained today Sunday 29th September by Cardinal Brady in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh at 3 p.m. Parishioners are welcome to attend the ordination ceremony. There will be a Parish celebration, Mass of Thanksgiving and refreshments in the Pastoral Centre for Martin next Saturday 5th October at 7 p.m. to which all are invited. A seperate sheet outlining the role of a Permanent Deacon is available in Churches. Recent Baptisms: Lucia Maria Preshur, Demi-Lee Marie Wallace, Ross Malachy Fitzpatrick, Maksmilian Kedra Vocations Evening: Is God calling you to live the life of a priest in the Archdiocese of Armagh? An evening of prayer and reflection will take place in the Servite Priory, Benburb on Wednesday 2nd October 5pm-7.30pm Southern Area Hospice - Church Door Collection at all Masses next weekend Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th Oct. Choral Celebration - Portadown 400 - Friday 4th October 8 - 9.30 p.m. in St. Mark’s Church. Led by Portadown Male Voice, Portadown Ladies and St. Mark’s Church Choirs. Joined by Inter-denominational Church Choirs. Tickets are free from Millennium Court Arts Centre, William Street. Year of Faith - Fatima Rosary Group: Fr. Gabrielle Harty will speak on the Rosary at 7 p.m. Mass on Saturday 19th October. Feasts: Monday 30th St. Jerome; Tuesday 1st St. Therese of the Child Jesus; Wednesday 2nd The Guardian Angels; Thursday 3rd Bl. Columba Marmion; Friday 4th St. Francis of Assissi. Lately Deceased: Yulia Pinto Bessa, Declan Maguire, Jim McCann, Paddy McShane, Alizira da Costa Guterres, Tim McGarry, Owen McParland
Anniversaries late for Bulletin should be left in the Sacristy on proper day. When submitting notices for bulletin please include name and phone number. Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication. St. Vincent De Paul Society Christian Meditation: The Meditation Group will meet on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Pastoral Centre. All welcome. CUMANN SEANCHAIS ARD MHACHA The next lecture in the 2013 programme, ‘The poets of South Ulster: a reapprasial’, on Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 8:00pm in the Cardinal Ó Fiaich Library. All welcome. WE ARE DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE a 3 day public exhibition Year of Faith: Parish Retreat at Benburb Pirory on Sunday 13th October 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. A day of reflection for yourself - a time out day for you and God. Do not be afraid. Please leave name with one of the priests or in the sacristies. Feast of St Therese of Liseau - the Little Flower: Mass in St Malachy’s Church, Armagh on 1st October. Roses blessed. Relic of St Terese will be available for blessing. An Cumann Gaelach: Enrolment for Irish language classes in Ashgrove Community Centre Thursday 3rd Oct. 8 - 9 p.m. Classes in Ashgrove Centre on Thursday nights 8 - 9 p.m. and Mayfair Centre Monday nights 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Parenting NI Helpline and Appointment Service: every parent/guadrian experiences difficulties from time to time. Need help/advice? tel freephone 0808 8010 722 or www.parentingni.org St. Malachy’s Hurling Club: Bingo in Drumcree Pastoral Centre every Friday night 8.15 p.m. sharp. All support welcome. Tir Na nOg GFC - Bingo as usual Tuesday night. The bigger the crowd the bigger the prizes. Bannside Development Centre: Homework Club Mondays 3 - 4.30 p.m. £1 per day. Arts & Crafts and other activities Tuesday & Wednesday evenings 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. For further information contact Ann on 38339916. Monastic Experience Weekend at St. Mary's Abbey, Glencairn from 25 to 27 October, 2013. The event is open to women who are discerning God's call in their lives. Visit our website www.glencairnabbey.org which we regularly update to provide news, information and insights about our Cistercian way of life. ILF - Integrating Life and Faith - Archdiocese of Armagh in conjunction with Craighead Institute. We are only too familiar with the cry that there is a split between our faith and the realities of modern life. Like to know more? Venue-Dromantine Contact: Caoimhe: 07598421265 or Kevin:07515910957 St. Mary’s Womens Guild: Meeting in Ashgrove Community Centre on Wednesday 5th October at 8 p.m. Guest speaker. New members welcome. Adoption: Family Care Society is presently seeking adoptive families who would be interested in parenting children aged between 2 - 6 yrs and who need love and attention of a caring Christian Aid Lunches: Wednesday 2nd October in Armagh Road Presbyterian Chruch Hall 12noon to 1.30pm Minimum donation £3. Soups, bread, cheese, tea/coffee. Club VO2 Portadown will become mid-Ulster’s 1st ever midnight gym! Open Monday to Thursday 6am -12am; Friday 6am-8pm; Saturday 8am-3pm; Sunday 10am-2pm. No excuses. Now 101.
Offertory Collection
Not just a story - Dives and Lazarus In one of the world’s poorest cities The inequality of opportunities in the world, We don’t start life on a level playing field; Our heart must wince For we are not the problem: We can join our hearts with the heart of God and create within parish, neighbourhood, city and world, Can we hear the cry of people who feel
The JOY rule |