Solemnity of Christ the King - Sunday 20th November |
The Feast of Christ the King marks the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. This special celebration was established in 1925 by Pope Pius XI with his Encyclical Letter Quas primas . It is an occasion to recall the centrality of God to our world and serves as a reminder not to fall into the error of living as though He does not exist.
On account of this important feast the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration in the Church of St John the Baptist from 1 pm concluding with Benediction at 6 pm. Families and individuals are encouraged to come and pray in thanksgiving, in petition and in adoration. The following guidelines are suggested for your visit. If your address begins with T to Z, the suggested time is 1 pm – 2 pm; A or B is 2 pm – 3 pm; C or D is 3 pm – 4 pm; E to O is 4 pm – 5 pm; and P to S is 5 pm – 6 pm.