30th May 2010 |
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PARISH OF DRUMCREE Mission Statement: Our Parish is a Christ-centred community. In Baptism we are challenged by the Spirit to live and share the Gospel message. Through proclaiming the Gospel message to all, Growth in Faith, Liturgy, Justice Issues and Ecumenism we extend our love and care to all people providing support in renewing and deepening our faith. We value the gifts and talents of each of our Parishioners and invite them to use these in responding to Christ's invitation to all of us to follow Him and spread the Good News to the whole world. www.drumcreeparish.com St. John the Baptist Church, Garvaghy Road, (1777) - 1977 St. Patrick's Church, William Street - 1835 30th May 2010 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Mass Times: St. John the Baptist Saturday 7 p.m. Sunday 8.30 & 11.30 a.m. St. Patrick's Sunday 10 a.m. Weekday Masses: St. John the Baptist Tuesday - Friday 7p.m. St. Patrick's Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. Monday 7p.m. (Novena - Miraculous Medal) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m. Devotions 1st and 2nd Sunday Confessions: St. Patrick's Saturday - 12.30 - 1.15 p.m. St. John the Baptist Saturday - 6.15 - 6.45 p.m. Baptisms: Every Saturday, 5 p.m. Registration for Baptism must be made in St. John the Baptist Church, after Friday evening Mass, two weeks prior to date. Marriage: At least three months notice must be given to the Priests of the Parish. Phone Numbers: Fr. O'Dwyer 38350610 Fr. White 38332218 Parish Mobile - Emergency No. 07841101850 First Friday Notices: Confessions - Thursday 3rd St. Patrick's 6 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. St. John's 7.30 p.m. Masses - Friday 4th St. Patrick's 10 a.m. (Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 10.30 a.m. - 6 p.m.) St. John's 7 p.m. The sick and housebound will be visited as usual. Minister of the Eucharist - June Vigil Paddy Gorman, Sharon Garland, Mary McAlinden, Bernadette Breen. 8.30 a.m. Margaret Marley, Catherine McCooe, Geraldine Lawless. 10 a.m. Pat Devlin, Denis McKeever, Kathleen Hagan. 11.30 a.m. Bernie Mallon, Patricia Halfpenny, Teresa Murphy, Mary Taggart. St. Francis Paddy Gorman. Rosemount Care Centre Gerry Barlow. St. John the Baptist, week beginning 1st Mary McAlinden. Ministry of The Word - June Vigil Olivia McDonald. 8.30 a.m. David Greer. 10 a.m. Niamh Devlin, Michael Sherry. 11.30 a.m. Margaret Marley Week beginning 31st 10 a.m. Belle Oliver. 7 p.m. Pat Hagan Recent Baptisms: Rian Liam Cullen, Katie McKernan, Morgan Amy Shaw, Fionn Seamus McKeever Sacrament of Marriage - congratulations to those married recently, Laura Creaney and Damian Corrigan; Andrea Fitzpatrick and John Gallagher ; Rachel Kelly and Robert Molloy. Sacrament of Confirmation: Congratulations to all who were confirmed recently - use your gift of the Holy Spirit well to be a disciple of Jesus. Cemetery Sunday - 6th June Mass at 11.30am. First Communicants who wish to join the procession to the Altar should assemble in the Church at 11.15 a.m. Eucharistic Ministers wishing to distribute Holy Communion should sign up this weekend in the Sacristy. Those travelling to Casemount Park next Sunday should not park in the car park - there will be plenty of time after the final blessing to travel. PALS - No PALS at 11.30 a.m. Mass next Sunday. Developing World Project: Flights are booked and the first group of 14volunteers go out 10th July to lay foundations to our Parish Group Home in Romania. Please keep the project in your prayers. CarBoot Sale to raise funds next saturday 5th June. Please come along to either sell or buy. SHYNE Youth group this Sunday (30th) afternoon along with the Knights of St. Columbanus are cleaning up the cemetery in preparation for next Sunday. St Vincent de Paul have kindly agredd to give up their stand to the SHYNE Group to allow them to collect for Romania Project. Presentation Sisters: Procession to place flowers on graves on Friday 4th June after 7 p.m. Mass. CTS Bookstand - Something New for Summer In both Churches we have completely renewed the books and leaflets available from the CTS stands. Have a fresh lok and see if there is something that interests you - maybe even take a risk and read something you might normally not be interested in. Offertory Collection Sunday 23rd - £2285-48 Thanks to all who contributed +++++++++++++++ Gate Magazine for youth available in Churches - £1.50 Requiescant In Pace Lately deceased: Laurence Hall, John Patrick Mackle, Conleth McConville, Jackie McVeigh, Cassie Furphy, Fr. Joe Campbell. Pray for the Parents of baby Ryan Americo Victor who died. At This Time: Annie McNeice, Karl Mercer, Jane McKeefrey, Leontia Kennedy, Kathleen Corry, Patrick Coleman, Colette Sherry, Kathleen Loughran, John & Seamus McShane, Ana Maria Xavier, Barbara do Rego Sunday 30th: M.M. James Connors, Margaret McAlinden(1st Anniversary), Mary Hagan, Margaret Waterson, Rita McCann, Brian McKeown, Anna O'Neill Monday 31st: Patrick Toland, Eileen McCann, Eugene Hughes, Edward Sherry Tuesday 1st: Madge Fox(1st Anniversary), Frank Freeburn(1st Anniversary), Patrick Berry, Eileen McConville, Alice Toland, William Murray, John Mallon, Mary Lappin, Jimmie Douglas, Nora Keegan Wednesday 2nd: William Cullen, Elizabeth Beattie Thursday 3rd: Friday 4th: Jim Crummie, Pat Fearon Saturday 5th: Annie McVeigh, Kathleen McGlade, Teddy Cusack, Jim Farnan Anniversaries late for bulletin should be left in the Sacristy for inclusion on the proper day. When submitting notices for the bulletin please include a contact name and telephone number. Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication. June Triduum - 17th to 19th - theme this year: Christ yesterday, today and forever - praying in today's world. Concluding with Garden Party on the Saturday evening. Thursday evening theme - praying for healing. Do you have feelings of guilt, upset, desolation, recrimination, anger, revenge? Jesus on the Cross soaked up all our rage, fury, resentment and healed our hurts, our wounds, our fears. Lord, you know everything that is in our hearts - send me your Spirit of healing. Come and pray for healing on that Thursday. It may be a start... St. Joseph's Young Priest Society - Annual Pilgrimage to Knock - Saturday 26th June. Cost £28 includes meal or £14 without meal. If Interested contact Kathleen 38337603 or Theresa 38331629. Feasts: Monday 31st The Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary; Tuesday 1st St. Justin; Wednesday 2nd Ss Marcellinus & Peter; Thursday 3rd St. Kevin; Friday 4th Ss Charles Lwanga & Companions; Saturday 5th St. Boniface. St. Vincent De Paul Society Clothes shop, tel. 38393898 or Furniture shop tel. 38394219, in Mayfair Business Centre, Garvaghy Road. Opening hours Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. NEW SELF HELP LINE - 38339639. Response within 48 hours. Drumcree Community Centre: Young Parent's Group,- if you are a parent under 25yrs come along with your child. 11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. 9th and 23rd March. Sparkles - group for parents, grandparents, minders or anyone who looks aftetr a child 0-4yrs - every Wednesday 10.30am-12.30pm. Feileacan - parent and child group Fridays 2pm-3.30pm Bannside Development Centre: Homework Club Monday & Tuesday 3.15 - 4.30 p.m. £1 per day. I.C.T. English Classes Thursday morning 10am Arts and Crafts Classes from 7 - 8.30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. For more information contact Carol on 38339916. Tir Na nOg GFC: Bingo and Lotto Tuesday 8.15 p.m. (All support welcomed). Development Draw Tickets available from members, £10 each or 3 for £20. Draw to take place in August 2010. Could all Club members please return tickets and monies on Monday 31st at 9.15pm to assertain total collected to date. St. John the Baptist PTA present Annual Sunday Funday - Sunday 13th June. Fun for all the family - BBQ, Bouncy Castles, Magician, etc. St. Mary's Youth Centre - Girls Football Coaching every Monday evening 7.15 - 8.15 p.m. Ages 10 - 14 yrs. Cost £1. For more information phone Centre 38337524. St. Mary's Women's Guild: Meeting Wednesday 2nd June, 8 p.m. in Ashgrove Community Centre. Guest speaker. Cultra trip to Old Drumcree 27th June. Craigavon Area Hospital has asked us to advise Parishioners that during Protected Mealtimes, i.e. 12 noon - 1.15 p.m. and 4.45 p.m. - 6 p.m., visits are not permitted to patients. They thank you for your understanding and co-operation. SMA - Dromantine - Family Fun Day - Sunday 13th June - 1.30 - 6pm. St. Oliver Plunkett Celebration in Drogheda on Sunday 4th July - bus being organised. Details later. Pilgrimage to Lamspringe, Germany in honour of St. Oliver - 26th to 29th August led by Bishop Clifford. Contact Tommy at 00353 877693477. Holy Land Pilgrimage: 5th - 16th September, Ex Belfast International. £989 - includes half board, transfers, tours. Spiritual Director. Phone Rita O'Neill 02890623186, also seats available Fatima 22nd - 29th July. £599 full board. Contact Rita on above number. Carmelite Sisters Discernment Weekend - 18th - 20th June in Tallow, Co Waterford Tel 003535856205 or www.carmelitetallow.org African Link Youth Mass in Holy Family Church, Coalisland on Sunday 13th June at 6pm. All welcome. Armagh Diocesan Pioneers invite parishioners to spend an hour in the company of the Sacred Heart on Thursday 10th June in St. Mochua Church, Derrynoose at 9pm, concluding with Mass at 10pm. Or St. Patrick's Church, Dungannon - times to be confirmed later. Reflection Glory on the face of Christ The glory of God is on the face of Christ; the bruised and risen face of Jesus is God's everlasting glory; in the death and resurrection of Jesus is the life of the Spirit sent among us. And we are his glory, the glory of God we carry in earthenware vessels. As the material of an earthen jar, or any piece of pottery, is fragile and can easily be destroyed, so we carry the glory of God in our bodies and spirits. God entrusts the love and care he has for the world to the lives of his people. Each of us is a space for the Spirit to inhabit, a place for the Father to live a face on which the light of Jesus shines. As a river carries water, we carry God, as the sun carries light, we shine out God, as a face mirrors a personality, we mirror God. This is the glory of God, Father, Son and Spirit, the one who is mother and father of us all, and gives life to all, one who is saviour and friend and brings wholeness, the one who is peace and courage and brings conviction. A MINUTE IN EVERY HOUR! AN HOUR IN EVERY DAY! A DAY IN EVERY WEEK 10 MINUTES OF PEACE AT 10 AM ON 10TH DAY OF 10TH MONTH 20TEN. ********** THE JOY RULE THINKOF JESUS THINK OF OTHERS THINK OF YOURSELF |