3rd May 2009 |
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PARISH OF DRUMCREE Mission Statement: Our Parish is a Christ-centred community. In Baptism we are challenged by the Spirit to live and share the Gospel message. Through proclaiming the Gospel message to all, Growth in Faith, Liturgy, Justice Issues and Ecumenism we extend our love and care to all people providing support in renewing and deepening our faith. We value the gifts and talents of each of our Parishioners and invite them to use these in responding to Christ's invitation to all of us to follow Him and spread the Good News to the whole world. www.drumcreeparish.com St. John the Baptist Church, Garvaghy Road, (1777) - 1977 St. Patrick's Church, William Street - 1835 3rd May 2009 Fourth Sunday of Easter Vocations Sunday Mass Times: St. John the Baptist Saturday 7 p.m. Sunday 8.30 & 11.30 a.m. St. Patrick's Sunday 10 a.m. Weekday Masses: St. John the Baptist Tuesday - Friday 7p.m. St. Patrick's Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. Monday 7p.m. (Novena -Miraculous Medal) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m. Devotions 1st and 2nd Sunday Confessions: St. Patrick's Saturday - 12.30 - 1.15 p.m. St. John the Baptist Saturday - 6.15 - 6.45 p.m. Baptisms: Every Saturday, 5 p.m. Registration for Baptism must be made in St. John the Baptist Church, after Friday evening Mass, two weeks prior to date. Marriage: At least three months notice must be given to the Priests of the Parish. Phone Numbers: Fr. O'Dwyer 38350610 Fr. White 38332218 Parish Mobile - Emergency No. 07841101850 Pastoral Centre: the news last Monday evening that the planning application had been successful was greeted with great joy and enthusiasm. Thanks be to God. The next stage is to select a contractor to change plans into a building. Keep the project in your prayers. Year of Vocation concludes this weekend. St. Joseph's Young Priests Society mark this at all Masses and Devotions (St. Patrick's Church Sunday 7pm). GAA 125 Year Celebration: St. Malachy's Hurling Club and Tir na nOg will participate at Mass next Saturday 9th May at 7pm. Parishioners are encouraged to wear their local team or county jersey to Mass. Ministers of the Eucharist St. John the Baptist, week beginning 4th May Mary McAlinden. Ministry of The Word Week beginning 4th April 10 a.m. Michael Sherry. 7 p.m. Michael Dennison. Recent Baptisms:Kayleigh Rhoda Matchet Portadown Lourdes Committee: thank all those who gave generously to the annual collection amounting to £1550-80 & Euro 1 Feasts: St Conleth, Monday; Blessed Edmund Rice, Tuesday.oANKS!ACCORD Legion of Mary: annual retreat in Benburb Priory on Sunday 10th May. The bus will leave St. Patrick's Hall at 9 a.m., St. Mary's Hall at 9.15 a.m. and St. John the Baptist Church at 9.30 a.m. Cost for the day, including bus fare, is £21. Names may be given to members of the Legion or by phone to 38334245. Liturgy Committee meeting 7th May at 7.30pm St. Joseph's Young Priest Society - There will be an afternoon of prayer in Dromantine on Sunday 10th May at 2.30 p.m., concluding with Mass at 5 p.m. Refreshments are available. All are welcome. Dominican Nuns - Vocation discernment weekends - 8th - 10th May and 19th - 21st June. Young women interested please contact Sr. Breda, Monastery of St. Catherine of Sienna, tel. 00353 419838524. Visit to Shrine of St Charles of Mount Argus: 25 years ago people from this Parish raised money to restrore the monastery where St. Charles lived. We have been invited to visit his shrine and the room and refectory where he is said to have had a vision of Our Blessed Lady. St Charles was canonised on 3rd June 2007, he is Ireland's newest saint. Website: http://charlesofmountargus.org Those interested in making this pilgrimage journey should leave their name(s) in the sacristy. `Finding God in Daily Life' public lecture, Prof. Richard R Gaillatrdetz, in St. Mary's College, Belfast Monday 11th May at 7.30pm All welcome. Christian Aid Soup Lunch Wednesday 12.30pm in Presbyterian Hall Armagh Road. All welcome.dnesday Order forms in Churches. Offertory Collection - Sunday 26th Total - £2388-43 +++++++++++++++ Requiescant In Pace Lately deceased: Winifred Henderson, Joe Bennett, Attracta Brannigan, Rita Murray, Gerard O'Riordan, Sammy Lavery, Nan (Annie) Reid, Gerald McKeown, Marie Pennington At This Time: Patrick Tate, John & Kathleen Reynolds, Kathleen Chambers, Kenneth Gorman, Ana Maria Xavier Rego, Filomena Miguelito Soares, Mary Catherine Coleman, Michael Coleman Sunday 3rd: James McKeever Monday 4th: M.M. Aidan Brankin, Jack Greer, Harry Connolly, Patrick Murphy, Elizabeth Fearon, Jackie Lavery, Philomena McCaughley Tuesday 5th: Ann Reilly, Agnes McGurk, Mary Rose Mallon, Teresa McDonald, Miguel Maria Filipe, Joao Maria Soares Wednesday 6th: Mollie Corr, Eric Dale, Joseph McVeigh, Lily O'Hare, Joseph F. Atkinson , Seamus O'Neill Thursday 7th: Patricia Mulligan Friday 8th: M.M. Jimmy Loughlin, John Duffy Saturday 9th: Joseph McConville, Joseph Hamill Anniversaries late for bulletin should be left in the Sacristy for inclusion on the proper day. When submitting notices for the bulletin please include a contact name and telephone number. Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication. Year of Vocation: World Day of Prayer for Vocations. On This Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations. What love God has bestowed on us in calling us his children! Pray that you may be faithful to your vocational call. Contact Fr. Paddy Rushe 00353 42 93 34259. St. Vincent De Paul Society Clothes shop, tel. 38393898 or Furniture shop tel. 38394219, in Mayfair Business Centre, Garvaghy Road. Opening hours Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. NEW SELF HELP LINE - 38339639. Response within 48 hours. CELEBRATIONS! The Society invite parishioners to join with them in celebrating 10 yrs anniversary of the opening of the clothes shop on Monday 11th May 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Come along and enjoy the day with music, refreshments and beat the credit crunch with great bargains from the shop. Presentation Sisters Koinonia Project: Programmes at 103 Thomas St. Weekly Meditation Monday, 7.30 -8.30p.m. T'ai Chi Class Wednesday 7.30 p.m. and Thursday 11 a.m. at the Cascades Leisure Centre. For information or for appointments phone Sr. Brigid 38332220 or e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it SPRED - the group will recommence on Wednesday 6th May in Drumcree Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. Enquiries to 38392568. ACCORD - Marriage Preparation Course in Armagh City Hotel as follows:- Wednesday 20th May, Wednesday 27th May and Wednesday 3rd June all 7 - 10 p.m. Attendance required on all three evenings. Couples are advised to book places on courses at least ten months before the wedding. Bannside Development Centre: Arts and Crafts Classes from 7 - 8.30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. English classes Thursday 10 a.m. I.C.T. for beginners. Homework Club 3.15 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Phone 38339916. Evening of traditional hymns in the Civic Centre, Craigavon on Friday 15th May. The Mayor, Councillor Sidney Anderson, invites Parishioners to attend. To make sure of a seat contact Ruth Kyle at 38312400. St. Mary's Women's Guild: Meeting on Wednesday 6th May in Ashgrove Community Centre. Guest Speaker. All welcome. Marie Curie Fundraising: Sponsored Cycle on 9th May; two routes, 10km and 50km. Details tel: 90882060. Sponsored Walk Lurgan Park 13th May. Details tel: 38343411 Drumcree House of Health: Active Kidz programme (in conjunction with Club VO2). Reduces the risk of children becoming overweight. (free). Yoga every Tuesday 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. and Friday 11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. For information call 38334522. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL The Parish Pastoral Council is a leadership structure that enables priests and people to work together in their mission of evangelisation, building up vibrant Christian Communities that are rooted in Baptism and characterised by faith, worship and service. The Parish Pastoral Council is a representative body, in which the diversity of the Parish Community is reflected. It is a means whereby the Parish as a whole can be consulted in relation to its pastoral concerns and its future development. The primary task of the Parish Pastoral Council is to promote pastoral action. The yellow sheet, publised last weekend gave a resume of the Pastoral Council 2006/2009 and the names of those not eligible for re-election. Election Procedure: Parishioners are asked to nominate other Parishioners - namely, Baptised Catholics, aged 17years or more, who participate in the life and worship of the Parish, who have a loving concern for the Parish and are willing to be part of a Parish leadership group. Use the form below to nominate - return to collection basket or either Parochial House. Nominations will close at 7pm this Sunday evening, 3rd May. Nominees will be contacted during the week. Voting will take place next weekend 9th/10th May before and after Masses. Nomination Form Nominee.............................................. Address............................................... Your name........................................... Your address....................................... The Spirit of God breathes in each Parishioner and each has something to contribute, No one is so rich that they have nothing to receive, and no one is so poor that they have nothing to give. Reflection And these I have to lead as well Did the Lord Jesus know about you and me as he spoke these words? And these I have to lead as well. You and I are men and women in a long line of Jesus' followers. His death was for us, his risen life is for us, the love and compassion of the shepherd for his sheep is his concern for you and me. Like a mother giving extra time to the sick child, like a father introducing a child to the world, like friends getting to know the real other, like all the best relationships in life, Jesus cares for you and me, as he cared for each of his disciples. And he leads us - his word is a lamp for our steps, his bread is food for the journey, his blood is energy for the miles we travel; and as the apostles led others to his guidance, each of us in our chosen life's calling, lead the people we know and love into the way of Jesus. There are other sheep I have which are not of this fold, and these I have to lead as well. |