19th October 2008 PDF Print E-mail

Mission Statement: Our Parish is a Christ-centred community. In Baptism we are challenged by the Spirit to live and share the Gospel message. Through proclaiming the Gospel message to all, Growth in Faith, Liturgy, Justice Issues and
Ecumenism we extend our love and care to all people providing support in renewing and deepening our faith. We value the gifts and talents of each of our Parishioners and invite them to use these in responding to Christ’s invitation to all of us to follow Him and spread the Good News to the whole world.

St. John the Baptist Church, Garvaghy Road (1777) - 1977

St. Patrick’s Church, William Street - 1835

19th October 2008
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mission Sunday

Mass Times:

St. John the Baptist
Saturday   7 p.m.
Sunday      8.30 & 11.30 a.m.
St. Patrick’s
Sunday    10 a.m.

Weekday Masses:

St. John the Baptist
Tuesday - Friday 7p.m.
St. Patrick’s
Monday - Saturday  10 a.m.
Monday 7p.m. (Novena -
Miraculous Medal)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m.

Devotions 1st and 2nd Sunday


St. Patrick’s
Saturday - 12.30 - 1.15 p.m.
St. John the Baptist
Saturday - 6.15 - 6.45 p.m.

Every Saturday, 5 p.m.
Registration for Baptism must be  made in St. John the Baptist Church, after Friday evening Mass, two weeks prior to date.

At least three months notice must be given to the Priests of the Parish.

Phone Numbers:  
Fr. O’Dwyer 38350610
Fr. White 38332218
Parish Mobile - Emergency No. 07841101850

Requiescant In Pace
Lately deceased: Angela Cooper, Jim Halfpenny, Annie McCaughley, Amado Graviles
At This Time:  Minnie McCann, James McCoy, Veronica Gorman, Mary Ellen McCann, Mary Marley
Sunday 19th:  Mary Kelly, John Davies, Hugh McGeough   
Monday 20th: M.M. Kent Bonderup, Elizabeth Cullen, Bridie McKeever  
Tuesday 21st:  M.M. Teresa Smith, M.M. Frank McCoy, Peter Connolly, Christopher O’Connor Gerard Donlon, William James Murphy, Cahal McNally
Wednesday 22nd: Ann Douglas, Michael Marley, Oliver Smyth, Jacqui Murray, Annie Steele, Paddy Fearon, Annie Hyde, Michael McParland, Rose Ann Smith
Thursday 23rd:  Vincent Litter
Friday 24th:  M.M. Patrick Brennan, Eileen Harney
Saturday 25th:  Rose Keegan(1st Anniversary), Colm Boyle, Josephine Mitchell, Mary Ann Campbell, Kenny Totton, Lizzy Crossey

Ministers of the Eucharist
St. John the Baptist, week beginning 20th October Mary McAlinden.

Ministry of The Word
Week beginning 20th October  10 a.m. Damien Russell. 7 p.m. David Greer.

Recent Baptisms:  Macha Margarida Hagan- Fontes

First Communion Programme:  P4 children their parents and families will attend Mass this weekend to mark their prepartion for the Sacraments: 10 a.m. Sunday 9th November Presentation P.S.
First Communion Dates:
Ballyoran CPS 23rd May;
St. John the baptist PS 30th May;
Bun Scoil and Presentation PS 6th June.

Sacrament of Confirmation:  Sunday 29th March 2009 at 3 p.m. with Bishop Gerard Clifford.  

Getting a lift to Mass was discussed at a recent Pastoral Council meeting. As a first step those who would like a lift are asked to leave their name and address with one of the priests to assertain the need for  this service.  
Diocesan Liturgies for Young people who have died.  Along with the Diocesan Youth Council the Diocesan Liturgy Group have organised liturgies for young people in our diocese who have died and many who have died in tragic circumstances. The liturgy will take place in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, on Wednesday 5th November at 7.30 p.m.  All welcome.

“Bereavement, Loss & Suicide .Understanding and Responding”.  An open seminar on this topic will take place on Monday 17th November in St. Patrick’s College, Killymeal Road, Dungannon, at 7.30 p.m.  This seminar will address the above topics from a very practical and informative perspective and the evening will be of interest to anyone who has a concern for these issues and in particular priests, religious, health care workers, teachers and parents.The seminar will be led by Luke Monahan, National Co-ordinator of the Irish Assoc. of Pastoral Care in Education and author/editor of Bereavement and Loss and Echoes of Suicide.  All welcome.

John Michael Talbot, his wife Viola and John Cotton enjoyed their time with us last week. And those who attended the evening of song on Friday had a real spiritual experience. Thanks to all who helped in any way: sacristy sellers, Winnies, Francis, Dillon, Declan, Ryan, Enda, Jerome, our young people from SHINE. And to all who attended and all who bought tickets to suuport the causes.

Anniversaries late for bulletin should be left in the sacristies if you want the person prayed for on the proper day.

Dead Lists available in Churches - return before 2nd November.
Fr. O’Dwyer and Fr. White
thank all who contributed
to the October Dues


Being thankful

Let’s be thankful
for the simple things of life;
for what is ordinary and everyday,
for what we take for granted.

Qualities of the body like health
and energy,
personal qualities like courage
in any problems;
for food and for shelter,
for friendships and love in life.

Can we be grateful also
for what tries us in life,
like failure and let-down,
loss and downheartedness?

For it may deepen our love
and our appreciation of life.

Let’s be grateful for faith and for prayer,
for the closeness of God in
sacrament and love;
for the meaning of life
which comes from faith, family
 and love.It’s good to be thankful,
it keeps us humble and we know our place:
that so much we have is from

For what we cannot now be
for the conflicts and what seems
impossible in our lives,
we offer in prayer and hope to God,
knowing that he lives our life to the full.

Thanks is the big word of our Mass,
for Eucharist means thanks.
Let’s offer the care we give to others
as a way of saying thanks to God.
Parish & Community Notices
When submitting notices for the bulletin please include a contact name and telephone number.
Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication.

The Mission Collection will be taken up on 1st November.

Presentation Sisters Koinonia Project:  Programmes at 103 Thomas St. with Weekly Meditation, Monday. at 7.30 p.m. Beginning T’ai Chi Chih at Cascades Leisure Centre  Wednesdays 7.30 p.m. and a morning group Thursdays 11 a.m.  For information and to enquire about Spiritual Guidance, Inner Child work, help in Grieving, Overcoming Depression or a safe place to talk about Suicide concerns  phone 38332220

St. Vincent De Paul Society
Good quality used clothing and furniture welcome at all times.  Collection can be arranged.  Contact the clothes shop, tel. 38393898 or  Furniture shop tel. 38394219,  in Mayfair Business Centre, Garvaghy Road.  Opening hours Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.  Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.  NEW SELF HELP LINE - 38339639.  Response within 48 hours.
Ashgrove Seniors Luncheon Club:  Places available at the Luncheon Club on Tuesday and Thursday at 12 noon.  Lunch & Bingo £1-50.  If interested (over 60’s), contact Ashgrove Community Centre.

Bannside Community Centre:  Arts and Crafts Classes, 7 - 8.30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  English classes, Thursday 10 a.m. ICT for beginners.  Homework Club resumes 8th September..  For information contact Carol 028 38339916.
St. Mary’s Youth Centre
After Schools Club (8 - 11 yrs) every Tuesday 3 - 5 p.m.
Avening Club (12 yrs. +) Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7 - 10 p.m.
Membership £3.  Subs 50p.  All welcome.

St. John’s Accordion Band:  Classes in music on Thursdays 7 p.m. in St. John the Baptist School.  Anyone wishing to join contact a committee member at the school on the evening.

Drumcree Community Centre:  Parent and toddler group each Monday at 10.30 a.m. Drumcree House of Health:  Stay Positive Course  - 8 week course, Tuesday 14th October 7.30 p.m. includes 6 free sessions of complimentary therapies.  To register contact Jennifer 38334522.                                                                               

Naiscoil Na Banna - an Irish Language pre school.  Any parent interested in educating their children through the Irish medium please contact Ciara at the Naiscoil 38391243.  Three P.E.A.G.S. are available for 3-4 yr. old now.

St. John’s Scouts -  Monday Scouts 7 - 9 p.m.
Tuesday Cubs 7 - 8.30 p.m.  Wednesday Beavers 7 - 8.30 p.m.
New members welcome.

Ceile:  Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown.  Sunday 19th October.  Dancing 3 - 6 p.m.  Oriel Ceili Band.  Proceeds in aid of
Benburb Priory.