Ninth Station - Jesus Falls the Third Time |
V: We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. Adoremus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi. R: Because, by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.
V: Consider how Jesus Christ fell for the third time. He was extremely weak and the cruelty of His executioners was excessive; they tried to hasten His steps though He hardly had strength to move. R: My outraged Jesus, by the weakness You suffered in going to Calvary, give me enough strength to overcome all human respect and all my evil passions which have led me to despise Your friendship. I love You, Jesus, my Love, with all my heart; I am sorry for ever having offended You. Never permit me to offend You again. Grant that I may love You always; and then do with me as You will. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father) Make me feel as You have felt: Make my soul to glow and melt With the love of Christ, my Lord. Fac ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum Ut sibi complaceam. Tenth Station