Important information on the Trócaire Boxes and upcoming events
Trócaire Boxes
This time of year, we would usually get back tens of thousands of boxes but that will not be possible this year, at a time when the developing world needs our help the most. If you can, please donate online or over the phone.  

Donations can be made online at Only where it is not possible to donate online are you asked to hold onto your boxes until further notice and Trócaire will be in contact about how to return them when it will be safe for people to do so.

We have several resources available online at In particular, we have a Stations of the Cross resource that we would encourage you to use on Good Friday.

The below workshops may be of interest to parishioners:

Family reflection: Monday 6th April, 11am. This will be a short, prayerful suitable for families and children. It will be led by Anna from our church team and will be delivered over Zoom. To register, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Workshop on Laudato Sí: Wednesday 8th April, 11am. This workshop will be led by Jane Mellett, our Living Laudato Sí officer, and will be focused on how we can all care for our common home. To register, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

‘Trócaire Together: From our home to yours’. Starting after Easter, these will be short videos of reflections, prayer and solidarity led by staff members from across the organisation. They will be available on our social media channels for you to access at times that best suits you. Please keep an eye on our social media for these – the first one will be posted at noon on Thursday April 16th.