Adoration Group

Adoration GroupEucharistic adoration has been a feature of Parish life for many years with a total of 23 hours shared monthly, on separate days, between the Church of St. John the Baptist and the Church of St. Patrick.
Christian Meditation Group

The Aim of this group is to enter into the Prayer of the Heart where we go beyond words, thoughts and images into the Presence within.

Fatima Rosary Group

FatimaThe Fatima Rosary Group meets on the first Saturday of each month in the Church of St. John the Baptist at 3.00pm to recite the Holy Rosary as requested by Our Lady of Fatima.
Lourdes Diocesan Pilgrimage Committee

LourdesHospitalite of Our Lady of Lourdes
Archdiocese of Armagh
Portadown Committee

Portadown is one of sixteen committees throughout the Diocese that make up the Lourdes Hospitalite of the Archdiocese of Armagh. The Hospitalite has as its principal aims the organising and facilitating of an annual 5-day pilgrimage to Lourdes. The pilgrimage is open to all, regardless of gender, religious denomination, affiliation, age, ethnic origin or race.
Order of the Knights of Saint Columbanus


The Order of the Knights of Saint Columbanus is an Order of Catholic laymen dedicated to the service of Christ in daily life. It was founded in Belfast in 1915 by James K. Canon O’Neill as a means of furthering the Lay Apostolate in Ireland. Canon O’Neill had a particular interest in the Church’s social teachings and was especially influenced by the encyclical Rerum Novarum of Pope Leo XIII. He conceived the Order as means of furthering the Catholic faith and Catholic education.

PALS - Prayer and Liturgy Study

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