A voluntary Catholic organisation that aims to promote a deeper understanding of Christian marriage. |
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Getting Married
Site offering practical and spiritual advice to couples preparing for their wedding day. |
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A programme designed to help, heal and renew marriages that are experiencing difficulty. |
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The Domestic Church
A website of valuable resources designed to help the family promote and sustain an authentic Christian culture in their home. |
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The Pope Paul VI Institute
A Catholic Institution dedicated to the development of morally and professionally acceptable reproductive health services. |
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National Association of Catholic Families
A lay association providing support and encouragement among Catholic families who wish to live out the mission of family life in accordance with the Church's civilisation of love. |
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The Iona Institute
A non-governmental organisation dedicated to strengthening civil society in Ireland through the promotion of marriage and religious practice. |
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Pure in Heart
An Irish youth community dedicated to living the true beauty of sexuality. The mission team provides talks to young people at schools, retreats and conferences. |
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Love for Life
Founded on a Christian model of values this group seeks to influence change within society so young people have a healthy respect for themselves, relationships and sex. |
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An approved apostolate of the Catholic Church ministering to those who experience same-sex attraction. It seeks to promote an interior life of chastity and to faithfully apply the Church's teachings in this area. |
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