Studies - An Irish Quarterly Review
Published by the Jesuits in Ireland. It examines social, political, cultural and economic issues in light of Christian values. |
1862 |
The Furrow
A monthly journal for the contemporary Church, founded at St. Patrick's College Maynooth in 1950. |
1886 |
First Things
A journal of religion, culture and public life published by the interreligious Institute on Religion and Public Life. |
2497 |
The Sacred Heart Messenger
A Jesuit publication featuring articles on prayers, Chrsitian living, the family, social issues, Christian heritage, nature and the environment. |
1840 |
Redemptorist Publications
Provides access to many printed resources including the 'Reality Magazine' published monthly by the Irish Redemptorists. |
1643 |
Communio: International Catholic Review
A Quarterly review of Catholic theology and culture dedicated to serving the Church and building up communion in Christ. |
2139 |
Irish Theological Quarterly
Founded in 1906 and directed and published by members of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University, Maynooth. |
2198 |