Zenit News Agency - The World Seen from Rome
Agency providing objective coverage of events, documents and issues related to the Catholic Church. |
1967 |
The Universe Catholic Newspaper
Provides news and links to other Catholic information resources. |
1898 |
The Catholic Herald
Catholic newspaper based in Britain. |
2751 |
The Irish Catholic
Weekly newspaper offering informed comment about the Church and social issues in Ireland. |
3314 |
Catholic News Service
An editorially independent division of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Its mission is to report fully, fairly and freely about the involvement of the Church in the world today. |
2048 |
Catholic News Agency
Since its establishment in 2004 the Catholic News Agency has been offering up-to-minute news on the activities of the Universal Church with a view to supporting the 'New Evangelisation'. |
2820 |
Catholic World News
Provides analysis and commentary on stories related to the Catholic Church. |
2227 |
L'Osservatore Romano
Limited access to the English language version of this publication of the Holy See. |
1533 |
Vatican Radio
English language programmes. |
1715 |
EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network)
Website for the Catholic television station available on Sky Satellite Channel 589. Programming includes coverage of daily Mass and other liturgical celebrations as well as explanations of Church teachings. |
1726 |
The Word
A magazine dealing with spiritual and moral themes supportive of the Christian viewpoint. |
1768 |
National Catholic Register
Newspaper founded in 1927 with the mission to inform, inspire, challenge and equip active Catholics to engage the culture with confidence. |
1854 |
A family newspaper dedicated to analyzing news from a Catholic standpoint. |
2533 |
The Tablet
Established Catholic publication featuring articles on the Church in the world as well as book reviews. |
2238 |
Inside the Vatican
A magazine that seeks to "think with the Church" while providing independent journalistic coverage of Catholic news. |
1957 |