Week of Prayer for Christian Unity PDF Print E-mail

Saints Peter and PaulThe Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an Octave of prayer and is observed annually between 18th and 25th January. The theme for 2013 is “What does God require of us?”.

The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches have jointly prepared texts for reflection and prayer. Each day of the Octave has been assigned a particular theme:

18 January: Walking in conversation

19 January:
Walking with the broken body of Christ

20 January: Walking towards freedom

21 January:
Walking as children of the earth

22 January:
Walking as the friends of Jesus

23 January: Walking beyond barriers

24 January:
Walking in solidarity

25 January: Walking in celebration

Local Events

Wesnesday 23rd

An Inter-Denominational Prayer Service is taking place at Epworth Methodist Church at 8.00 pm. The service has been composed with the input of the Student Christian Movement of India. All are welcome to attend.

Wednesday 23rd January

prayer service will take place at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh at 7.30 pm. The guest preacher will be Very Rev. John Mann, Dean of St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast. Refreshments to be served afterwards in the Synod Hall. All are welcome.

Internet Links

Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland