Past Events

Welcome to the section on past parish events. Select from the menu below to read more about some of the activities that have marked the life of the Church in the parish. 
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Item Title
Vision 08 - A Vision for Catholic Education in Ireland
Evangelium - Sharing the Riches of our Catholic Faith
Strengthening Parishes for the 21st Century
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - Friday 2nd November
Solemnity of All Saints - Thursday 1st November
Abortion threat from Westminster - Rally for Life
John Michael Talbot in concert
Sign Up Sunday 2011
The Mass and the reception of Holy Communion
The Year of St Paul (28th June 2008 - 29th June 2009)
Triduum of Reflection (26th - 28th June)
International Eucharistic Congress (15th - 22nd June)
Parish Trip to Cultra - 26th June 2011
World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests - 30th May 2008
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - 19th June 2009
Cemetery Sunday - 3rd June 2012
Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage (12 -17 May 2008)
'My Daily Rosary' CD
Ascension of the Lord / World Communications Day
CTS Book Stands
Year of Vocation (13 April 2008 - 3 May 2009)
World Day of Prayer for Vocations - 13th April 2008
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill
Chrism Mass - Thursday 5th April
Confession times for Easter
Easter Triduum Schedule
Solemnity of St. Patrick - Saturday 15th March 2008
Youth 2000 Retreat - Magherafelt (29th February - 2nd March)
An invitation to reflect and pray - Monday 25th February
Triduum of Prayer (9th - 11th February) - Lourdes Anniversary
Catholic Education Week - Visit of Cardinal Brady
Education in Faith Sunday - 27 January 2008
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Schedule changes from January 2008
Praying with Icons
Blessing of Pastoral Centre site and cutting the sod
Presentation of Relic and Statue of St Alphonsa
Talk by Fr Brian Lennon S.J.
Jesuit Community at Iona
Parish Pastoral Centre
Year for Priests (June 2009 - June 2010)
Triduum of Prayer (16th - 18th June)
Car Boot Sale
New Pastoral Areas
Parish Pastoral Council Elections
He is Risen - Alleluia
Statement from Christian leaders
Gift Programme
Ash Wednesday
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